Big sigh...what a year. I believe that, in on way or another, we are all striving to be our best and most authentic selves. In a time like this, where the highs are high and the lows are low, managing the shifts can be really overwhelming. Pain gets in the way. Grief gets in the way. We hit road blocks that we feel are too big to pass. You have tried changing others. You have tried avoiding. You have tried all the self help ideas. You feel like you have lost control. And now you are in this spot in your life, where you are asking a lot of questions and wondering if there is something more.
   I specialize in working with children and women, uncovering their truth and living out of their authentic selves. I have an integrative healing approach, but most of the time end up using playful family approaches with children and teens and using EMDR with women. I am also passionate about adoption and creating healing attachments within the family.
   Remember that you matter, your thoughts matter, and your perspective matters. So don't stop striving to be your best and most authentic self..